
Wynum client for python


pip install wynum

To install using github try

pip install -U -e git+

Getting started

Very easy to use. Create a Client and you're ready to go.

API Credentials

The Client needs Wynum credentials.You can either pass these directly to the constructor.

from wynum import Client
secret = "your_secret_key"
token = "project_token"
client = Client(secret, token)

Get schema

call getschema on Client to get the keys and types for the data. This will return a list of Schema objects. Schema.key will return the key and Schema.type will return the Wynum type. Following is the mapping from Wynum type to python type.

Wynum type

Python type




str (dd/mm/yyyy)


int or float

Choice (Or)

int or float

Multiple Choice (And)

list of str


str (hh:mm)



schemas = client.getschema()
for schema in schemas:
print(schema.key, schema.type)

Post data

the postdata method accepts a single parameter data which is dict containing the post key:value. Every data dict should contain the 'identifier'. You can get identifier key if you have called getschema. You can retrieve it using client.identifier.

identifer_key = client.identifier
data = {'key1':val1, 'key2':val2, identifer_key:'id_string'}
res = client.postdata(data)

If the call is successful it returns the dict containing the created data instance. If there is some error the dict will contain _error and _message keys. You should check this to check for errors.

Get data

Call getdata to get the data. This will return list of dict. getdata accepts following keyword arguments

  • limit: int Number of records to return.

  • order_by: str Sorting order which can either be 'asc' or desc'

  • ids: list of str The list of ids to retrieve

  • start: int Record number to start from

  • to: int Record number to end at

start and to can be used for pagination.

If no arguments are provided it will return the list of all data records.

data = client.getdata()

Updating data

The update method is same as that of postdata method.

identifer_key = client.identifier
data = {'key1':val1, 'key2':val2, identifer_key:'id_string'}
res = client.update(data)