Data is added to a stage after defining all the input and output variables (Properties).
Clicking on Properties will give a pop up form listing all the properties associated with a Stage. A user can then add a new property by giving a Title and Type of property. There are predefined Types of properties (like Text, Number, Upload File, Barcode etc) which a user can use for adding a Data Property.
Suppose a User want to create a simple Linear Regression model for Real GDP (world) vs Year as a variable then a User can add 2 new Properties namely Year and GDP. Keeping TYPE as Number for both the variables. User can also add a new Property namely newYear (keep TYPE as Computed) for getting the normalized values later.
Type of Property | Notes |
Text | Question, Required, Stage ID |
Number | Question, Required, Limits, Add Single Variable Chart (Line Chart or Histogram) and Multiple Variable Chart (Box Plot) |
Choice(or) | Question, Required, Add more options, Add Single Variable Chart (Histogram or Pie Chart) |
Multiple Choice (and) | Question, Required, Add more options, Add Single Variable Chart (Histogram or Pie Chart) |
Date | Question, Required, Limits |
Time | Question, Required |
Upload File | Question, Required |
Upload Multiple Files | Question, Required |
Barcode | Question, Required |
QR code | Question, Required |
Smart Scanner | Question, Required |
Location | Question, Required |
Image | Question, Required |
Video | Question, Required |
Signature | Question, Required |
TextArea | Question, Required |
Computed | Question |
Computed_array | Question |
A Property is associated with a Question a User can submit (to be shown on the data input form). A User can also mark a Property as Required.
Date and Number Types of properties can also be provided with limits on maximum and minimum.
When a User creates any Properties (Variables) of Numbers, Choice or Multiple Choice Types a User gets to add Single Variable Charts (Pie Chart, Line Chart or Histogram) or Multiple Variable Charts (BoxPlot) on the User Dashboard.
Clicking on Data will give a Pop up form to manage the data. A User can Add Data, View Data and check Data Spread here. Data can be added in the form or can also be uploaded using a Excel Sheet. A User can also Download a Sample file for uploading the data.
Required data for this exercise can be downloaded from​