Adding Data

Data is added to a stage after defining all the input and output variables (Properties).

Adding Properties

Clicking on Properties will give a pop up form listing all the properties associated with a Stage. A user can then add a new property by giving a Title and Type of property. There are predefined Types of properties (like Text, Number, Upload File, Barcode etc) which a user can use for adding a Data Property.

Suppose a User want to create a simple Linear Regression model for Real GDP (world) vs Year as a variable then a User can add 2 new Properties namely Year and GDP. Keeping TYPE as Number for both the variables. User can also add a new Property namely newYear (keep TYPE as Computed) for getting the normalized values later.

Types of Properties

Type of Property



Question, Required, Stage ID


Question, Required, Limits, Add Single Variable Chart (Line Chart or Histogram) and Multiple Variable Chart (Box Plot)


Question, Required, Add more options, Add Single Variable Chart (Histogram or Pie Chart)

Multiple Choice (and)

Question, Required, Add more options, Add Single Variable Chart (Histogram or Pie Chart)


Question, Required, Limits


Question, Required

Upload File

Question, Required

Upload Multiple Files

Question, Required


Question, Required

QR code

Question, Required

Smart Scanner

Question, Required


Question, Required


Question, Required


Question, Required


Question, Required


Question, Required





A Property is associated with a Question a User can submit (to be shown on the data input form). A User can also mark a Property as Required.

Date and Number Types of properties can also be provided with limits on maximum and minimum.

When a User creates any Properties (Variables) of Numbers, Choice or Multiple Choice Types a User gets to add Single Variable Charts (Pie Chart, Line Chart or Histogram) or Multiple Variable Charts (BoxPlot) on the User Dashboard.

Adding Data

Clicking on Data will give a Pop up form to manage the data. A User can Add Data, View Data and check Data Spread here. Data can be added in the form or can also be uploaded using a Excel Sheet. A User can also Download a Sample file for uploading the data.

Required data for this exercise can be downloaded from​
